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Ways of Mercy
By Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Photos by Sean Sprague
To the hungry, mercy comes as a hot meal
To the homeless, a safe place to sleep
To the poor, new clothes to wear
To those who thirst, clean water
To the sick, mercy comes as a healing hand
To those in sorrow, a peaceful presence
To the elderly, a sympathetic ear
To the lost, a guiding voice
To the lonely, mercy comes as a caring visit
To the fearful, a reassuring calm
To the refugee, a warm welcome
To the prisoner, a spirit reborn
To the unemployed, mercy comes as a long-sought job
To those who fail, a second chance
To the addict, twelve steps to freedom
To the dying, an unwavering hope
Mercy thus comes to all people
In whatever form they most need
For it is our duty as followers of Jesus To bring, to become, to be that mercy
To everyone we meet.