A resourceful Maryknoll priest, Father Paul Sykora, supports an education project for children in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
In this Winter issue, Maryknoll missioners reflect Pope Francis’ call to Christians to “abound in hope” by caring for people with HIV/AIDS in Kenya; visiting young prison inmates in El Salvador; and welcoming migrants, exiles and refugees at the U.S.-Mexico border. In Bolivia and Zimbabwe, Maryknoll projects bring together young people and elders in examples of what the Holy Father calls a “covenant between generations.” As we begin the Jubilee Year, read about how Maryknoll priests, sisters, brothers and lay people serve as Pilgrims of Hope across the world.
Focused on Maryknoll missioners around the world working in solidarity among the poor and marginalized. Articles include issues of importance to people the missioners serve and to the Catholic Church.
A resourceful Maryknoll priest, Father Paul Sykora, supports an education project for children in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Maryknoll Sister Chiyoung Pak brings joy and hope to a poor area of Zimbabwe through the Norton Center she founded, serving youth and adults.
Maryknoll Father John McAuley’s poignant Christmas reflection offers a fresh perspective on the humanness of the Holy Family.
At Cristo Rey Parish in El Paso, Texas, Maryknoll Father Raymond Finch helps parishioners live their faith while they help migrants.
A Maryknoll lay missioner serves in prison ministry for youth in El Salvador, the country with the world’s highest incarceration rate.
Alice Njoroge of the EDARP HIV/AIDS program in Kenya talks about the work and the role of Maryknoll over three decades.
The first of a four-part series by Maryknoll Father James H. Kroeger on the significance of Vatican II, this articles introduces Saint John XXIII.
Participants on a Maryknoll immersion trip to Yucatán, México, learn about care for creation and Maryknoll’s legacy.
Maryknoll Father Alejandro Marina describes the reality faced by people in Santísima Trinidad, a community in the Amazon served by Maryknoll.
Latest news from mission sites and countries around the world.
A Maryknoll Lay Missioner reflects about the story of three Magi and the gifts that we bring to unexpected situations.
Thirteen Catholic “missionaries” were killed in 2024, including eight priests and five laymen, with the largest number slain in Africa.
About a dozen Jesuits on a search and rescue mission in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert before Christmas find remains of missing migrants.
A Maryknoll Sister reflects on the Holy Family as a model of good familial relationships between parents and their children.
The year 2024 was deadly for Africa’s Christian populations, with hundreds of thousands of people persecuted or killed for their faith.
In 2024 Nicaragua’s Ortega regime continues persecuting Catholic leaders and censoring expressions of Christian faith.
A Maryknoll affiliate who has offered hospitality to migrants for 45 years reflects on the Mass readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent.
Wisconsin’s high court ruled that Catholic Charities is ineligible for tax exemption because service to the poor is not “typical” religious activity.
“What can we do?” asks Maryknoll Lay Missioner Sarah Bueter, reflecting on Advent, hope and the killing of an environmental activist.
The Church leaders call for peace on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Christmas as a step toward ending the violence that engulfs Mexico.
The Senate Judiciary Committee hears testimonies about possible mass deportation, with some witnesses saying it would crash the economy.
Catholic bishops in Latin America launch a campaign to support human rights activists who face threats for their work for social justice.
As former Syrian President Bashar Assad is ousted by rebels, Cardinal Mario Zenari says it’s time to “move toward reconciliation.”
Migrants’ stories are like the prophet Isaiah’s voice in the desert, reflects Maryknoll Sister Leila Mattingly, who has served at the border.
Maryknoll Father Joseph Veneroso reflects on gift giving, faith and gratitude in this Spirit of Mission column.
Maureen Long recalled her parents’ last wish. Francis and Patricia Lafferty wanted their wedding rings to become part of a sacred symbol.
Vignettes from the lands of mission, told by Maryknoll missioners and volunteers. These popular little stories are sometimes funny, often moving and generally inspiring encounters with people on the margins.
Missioners share vignettes drawn from mission life in Ireland, South Sudan, Bolivia and at the U.S.-Mexico border.
In Taiwan, Maryknoll Father Joyalito Tajonera convened 130 leaders from 17 countries last year for the Conference on Fisher’s Welfare.
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