Maryknoll Father William Senger builds a parish in Guatemala by constructing chapels and forming lay leaders.

In our Spring 2025 issue, we visit the jungles of Guatemala, where Maryknoll priests have built a dozen chapels, and Hong Kong, where a school founded by the Maryknoll Sisters celebrates its centenary. Of note, too, in this issue is our tribute to the late Father Gustavo Gutiérrez, an Orbis Books author who is considered the father of liberation theology.
This Lenten season, join us in prayer with Maryknoll missioners who live and work in a spirit of hope.
Focused on Maryknoll missioners around the world working in solidarity among the poor and marginalized. Articles include issues of importance to people the missioners serve and to the Catholic Church.
Maryknoll Father William Senger builds a parish in Guatemala by constructing chapels and forming lay leaders.
Maryknoll Convent School, a school founded by pioneering Maryknoll Sisters in Hong Kong, celebrates its centenary the Maryknoll way.
Orbis Books Publisher Robert Ellsberg offers a tribute to Father Gustavo Gutiérrez, father of liberation theology.
Maryknoll Lay Missioners Joshua Sisolak and Marjorie Humphrey are commissioned to serve in Bolivia and East Africa.
Maryknoll Brother Joseph Bruener serves at a home for boys at risk of becoming street children in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
This second article of a four-part series presents the 14 Maryknoll bishops who attended the Second Vatican Council.
Jóse López, a Catholic leader who works in the Migrant Ministry for the Diocese of Stockton, California, brings hope to agricultural workers.
Behind every missioner is “an infinity of faces” who make their work possible, writes Maryknoll Father Alejandro Marina from Bolivia.
Maryknoll Sister Dee Smith and other religious serving overseas attest that the world’s most vulnerable people are endangered by funding cuts.
Latest news from mission sites and countries around the world.
With its death toll projected to reach 10,000, the earthquake leaves war-torn Myanmar and neighboring Thailand in desperate need of international aid.
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Marjorie Humphrey reflects on the parable of the Prodigal Son in the context of her ministry in East Africa.
As protests erupt in Turkey following the arrest of a political opponent, Catholics wonder if curtailed freedoms will impact them.
The executive order cancellation of a parole program for people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela puts 532,000 migrants in limbo.
A rally, march and vigil on March 24 condemned mass deportations and promoted Catholic social teaching on migration.
After an extended stay in Rome’s Gemelli Hospital, Pope Francis returns home under doctors’ orders for two months of rest.
Maryknoll Father Greg McPhee, who serves in Bolivia, invites readers to reflect on the Spirit of Christ that leads our Lenten journeys.
In its ongoing persecution of the Church, military forces in Myanmar set St. Patrick’s Cathedral on fire on the eve of the saint’s feast day.
Each vocation is “a sign of God’s hope,” says Pope Francis in his message for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations to be observed May 11.
Catholic groups offer relief to migrants undertaking a “reverse migration” through Central America to return home.
Bishops decry ‘cruelest’ violence as volunteers discover an extermination and recruitment camp run by a drug cartel in Mexico
A reflection by the late Maryknoll Sister Mary Grenough describes HIV and AIDS ministry in Myanmar in light of the Sunday Mass readings.
As Pope Francis spends his anniversary in Rome’s Gemelli Hospital, he asks people to pray for him, as he has done throughout his papacy.
Former President Rodrigo Duterte is accused of ordering extrajudicial killings of as many as 30,000 people during his war on drug trade.
Maryknoll Father Joseph Veneroso explores the theme of light in Scripture and in the liturgies of Holy Week, especially the Easter Vigil.
Fung-Bing Ho is a long-time Maryknoll partner in mission, now serving in a parish where Maryknoll Father Daniel Kim ministers in Hong Kong.
Vignettes from the lands of mission, told by Maryknoll missioners and volunteers. These popular little stories are sometimes funny, often moving and generally inspiring encounters with people on the margins.
Missioners share vignettes of life drawn from their Maryknoll ministries in Bolivia, Guatemala, Tanzania and Brazil.
Pope Francis has called on world leaders to consider debt cancellation for poor countries as a way to honor the Jubilee Year.
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