Readers respond to our print, web and social media posts
I admire how Brother J. Francis Dolphin has used skills and attractions since childhood to bring joy to the sick and to lead English as a second language classes. His love of the circus is clear. For an article in justice-oriented MARYKNOLL magazine, I would have needed Brother Dolphin to insert a paragraph connected with the closing of circuses to show us that he knows that circus animals cannot be trained or sustained in captivity without cruelty. Such a paragraph might not only have opened the eyes of some unaware readers, but would have gratified others that Maryknoll is current on such matters. I have no doubt that you are aware, being missionary, as we Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus are. Perhaps you can repair this lack by doing research on cruelty to circus animals for your World Watch page.
By the way, I knew Maryknoll priests and brothers were tortured in World War II; I did not know that Maryknoll sisters were! Thank you for telling us.
Thank you for mission well carried out, constantly updated, as your work with lay missionary training and sending shows, and for the attractiveness and educational value of your magazine.
Sister Kayjoy Cooper, ACJ
Wyncote, Pennsylvania
I have been a sponsor of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers for many years now, and I so enjoy the magazine. I read it cover to cover and pass it along to my son. In the May/June issue you highlighted a double blessing: Deacon Peter Latouf and Deacon Daniel Kim, who were ordained priests at the end of May. Recently, I attended a Mass at St. Thomas Seminary here in Minnesota, and the seminarians sang so beautifully I thought I was in heaven! Looking at the two young men recently ordained as Maryknoll priests warmed my heart and I will pray for them. Thank God vocations are on the rise!
Margaret Wierman
Minneapolis, Minnesota
After reading the articles on the two Maryknoll seminarians preparing for ordination in your May/June issue, I thank them for not being afraid to mix their tears with those of the anawim (an Old Testament term for the faithful poor who depend on God). Indifference wounds and compassion heals. Thank them for their compassion!
Via Maryknoll magazine’s website
I love the photo from Nepal you used on your centerspread of the January/February 2017 issue. Nepali oil lamps light up the night and send prayers heavenward. It brings back so many memories of our time there.
Marge Balfe Huxtable
Via Facebook
Your influence in mission is great. The dioceses of Tagum and Mati in the Philippines will never be the same since you served there. Congratulations, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers. We love you all. In silence you are in our prayers.
Doti Balio
Davao, Philippines
After reading the article “Checking in on nones” in the May/June issue, I was not surprised that Kaya Oakes is a professor at the University of California Berkeley. To believe that it is not important to belong to the Church that Jesus Christ established and promised to be with until the end of time reeks of wanting God to do things your way instead of God’s way.
I found it shocking that a Catholic magazine would give credence to such tripe. Nones apparently think they can have a feel-good faith without the teachings of God. Maybe before the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers allow such tripe in their magazine, they should read the Catechism of the Catholic Church to refresh their memory of what God’s Church stands for.
Thomas C. Trautner
Von Ormy, Texas
Reading Maryknoll Sister Bernice Kita’s missioner tale about helping to get eye care for a nearly blind elderly couple in Guatemala in the March/April issue of MARYKNOLL touched my heart to tears. I was so moved just thinking about how these people feel for others. Although the poor woman’s eyesight could not be corrected much, she was happy that cataract surgery would restore her husband’s sight in at least one eye. My happiness is your happiness.
Lourdes Velez
Via Facebook
When I read the July/August 2017 issue of MARYKNOLL, my heart was filled with joy and gratitude for knowing that the two mentally ill Cambodian brothers who were chained are now free, productive and integrated into their community. Thank you, Father Kevin Conroy and your team, for doing your mission with zeal and love.
Now I see the reality of the Gospel. As Jesus said: “Whatsoever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me.” My prayers for the two brothers have been answered. God bless them.
Lourdes Reynes
Brooklyn, New York
In the July/August issue we inadvertently failed to credit the letter entitled “Catching Up” to Mary Westlake, who sent in her message via Facebook. We apologize for the error.
The editors invite Maryknoll Members to send us their views. Write to:
Members’ Memos
P.O. Box 302, Maryknoll, N.Y. 10545-0302
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Featured Image: Maryknoll Affiliate Roger Schiltz from Seattle helps Sister Tuzinde plant trees in Chipole, Tanzania. Maryknoll Affiliates are celebrating their 25th anniversary.