Maryknoll and Misioneros magazines together win 43 awards for excellence in English and Spanish coverage of Maryknoll missions.
The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, their magazines Maryknoll and Misioneros and publishing division, Orbis Books, received a combined 72 awards during the Catholic Media Association‘s conference held in Portland, Oregon, July 4-7, 2022. Of these, 19 were first-place awards.
Top recognition went to Misioneros, which won first place for Best Website, Spanish Publication, and to staff writer Giovana Soria for Writer of the Year (Spanish). Maria-Pia Negro Chin was awarded first runner-up for Writer of the Year (Spanish). Maryknoll Father Joseph Veneroso won first place for the Spanish language version of his column “The Spirit of Mission.”
Selections were based on submissions published in 2021.

“We are very proud of the excellent performance by the Maryknoll and Misioneros magazine team in this year’s Catholic Media Association awards, especially the honor of having two of our staff recognized for their writing in Spanish,” said Lynn Monahan, editor-in-chief. “The 43 awards we received across both our English and Spanish editions are a great reflection of the team’s bilingual character and the collaborative effort involving our designers and digital media staff as well. It is a privilege to share the stories of the Maryknoll missioners’ work around the world.”
Orbis Books was honored with 28 book awards, including six for first place. The number was not only a new record for Orbis, but also exceeded the number received by any of the other 39 prize-winning Catholic publishers.
Orbis publisher Robert Ellsberg notes, “These prize-winning books are a good reflection of the Orbis program itself: concern for the global dimensions of Christian faith, promoting dialogue and offering a message of hope.”
In the Communications division, the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers won second place for Best Annual Report – Catholic Nonprofit Organization.
On its website, the Catholic Media Association writes, “The purpose of the Catholic Press Awards is to acknowledge the outstanding work of its Publisher and Communication members as they strive to further the mission of the Church. On a daily basis they inform, inspire and educate readers keeping them connected to their faith, and telling the story of the Church. It is those contributions that are recognized through these awards.” (For a complete list of this year’s winners by category, see here.)
MARYKNOLL Magazine (Magazine Division)
First Place
Best Coverage – Immigration: “Smiles and Tears in Sāo Paulo’s Favelas,” “Families in Mission,” “Passion for People at the Border,” Editorial Winter Issue 2022 and “The Reason I Am Able To Do What I Do.” Meinrad Scherer-Emunds, Alejandro Lopez-Cardinale, Deirdre Cornell, Lynn F. Monahan and Barbara Escobar
Best Story and Photo Package – By an individual: “A Call within the Call,” Gregg Brekke
Second Place
Personality Profiles – Laity: “Smiles and Tears in Sāo Paulo’s Favelas,” Meinrad Scherer-Emunds
Best Original Poetry: “Community of Sinners, Community of Saints,” Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Best Reporting on Vocations to Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate: “A Call within the Call,” Gregg Brekke
Third Place
Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues – Care for God’s Creation: “Rediscovering Tribal ‘Earth Wisdom,’” Maria-Pia Negro Chin
Honorable Mention
Best Essay – Mission Magazines (Overseas and Home): “Partners in Mission” column “HIV-Positive at Heart,” Sonia Otorola
Best Feature Article – Mission Magazines (Overseas and Home): “Passion for People at the Border,” Deirdre Cornell
Best Original Poetry: “Breaking of The Bread,” Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Best Photograph – Feature Photo: Training Program for Deprived Women in the Bardiya District of Nepal, Gregg Brekke
Best Photograph – Sacramental: John Siyumbu, Nile Sprague
Best Web and Print Package, All Member Division: “Teaching with Love in the Andes,” Giovana Soria and Nile Sprague
MISIONEROS (Spanish Language Division)
First Place
Writer of the Year (Spanish), All Member Division: Giovana Soria, Misioneros
Best Website – Spanish Publication, All Member Division:, Maryknoll, Misioneros Staff
Best Regular Column – Spiritual Life: “Espiritualidad Misionera,” Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Best Coverage – Treatment of Vocations to Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate: “Respondiendo al llamado de Dios,” “Un llamado al sacerdocio y a la Misión” and “Feliz de estar aquí con ustedes.” Giovana Soria, Gregg Brekke and Deirdre Cornell
Best Feature Writing: “Preservar los recursos de la tierra,” María-Pía Negro Chin
Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues – Solidarity: “Liberando del cautiverio a Japoneses- Estadounidenses,” Anne Neuberger
Best Photograph – Feature Photo: Retorno a Chamelecón, Gregg Brekke
Best Cover – Magazine: Respondiendo a la Misión, Design Michael Calvente, Photo Nile Sprague
Best reporting on Catholic education: “Construyendo esperanza en Jamaica,” Carolyn Trumble
Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues – Care for God’s Creation: “Redescubriendo la ‘sabiduría de la tierra,’” María-Pía Negro Chin
Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues – Option for the Poor and Vulnerable: “Pasión por las personas en la frontera,” Deirdre Cornell
Second Place
Writer of the Year (Spanish), All Member Division: Maria-Pia Negro Chin
Best Reporting – On Latin America: “Formando comunidades cristianas en Bolivia,” Giovana Soria
Best Layout of an Article or Column – “Enseñando con amor en los Andes,” Design Michael Calvente, Photos Nile Sprague
Best Reporting on Vocations to Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate: “Feliz de estar aquí con ustedes,” Deirdre Cornell
Best Feature Writing: “Pasión por las personas en la frontera,” Deirdre Cornell
Best Personality Profile: “Enseñando con amor en los Andes,” Giovana Soria
Best reporting on Catholic education: “Educadas para transformar la familia,” Deirdre Cornell
Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues – Life and Dignity of the Human Person: “Levantando los ánimos, restaurando vidas en Bolivia,” Giovana Soria
Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues – Call to Family, Community and Participation: “Una familia misionera empodera familias en El Salvador,” Carolyn Trumble
Best Photograph – Feature Photo: Photo meditation, Nile Sprague
Best Cover – Magazine: Jesús en la Frontera, Design Michael Calvente, Photo CNS
Third Place
Best Reporting – On Latin America: “Asumiendo los riesgos juntos,” Matthew Sim, M.M.
Best Regular Column – General Commentary: “Reflejos Peregrinos,” Deirdre Cornell
Best Reporting – On a Local Issue: “Sin más manos que las tuyas …,” Deirdre Cornell
Best Personality Profile: “Sin más manos que las tuyas …,” Deirdre Cornell
Best Reporting – On Cultural Heritage: “Proyecto Comunidad: Familias en Misión,” Alejandro López-Cardinale
Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues – Call to Family, Community and Participation: “Sonrisas y lágrimas en las favelas de São Paulo,” “Pasión por las personas en la frontera,” Editorial Winter issue and “La razón por la que puedo hacer lo que hago.” Meinrad Scherer-Emunds, Alejandro López-Cardinale, Deirdre Cornell, Lynn F. Monahan and Bárbara Escobar
Honorable Mention
Best Reporting – On Cultural Heritage: “Novenarios de esperanza,” Deirdre Cornell
Best Essay Reflecting on Faith Formation: “El nuevo rostro de Maryknoll,” Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Best Photograph – Feature Photo: “Enseñando con amor en los Andes,” Nile Sprague
Featured image: A photo collage of some of the first-place winning entries from Maryknoll and Misioneros magazines was created by designers from Maryknoll’s Art Services. (Marco Gallo/U.S.)