Prayer for Vocations, Summer 2024

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Persistent Call

Jesus, why did You call me
to Your work at age 11?
Why make me imagine
my mother’s jubilation
before the ordaining bishop?

At the time, I thought I knew.
It wasn’t my vocation;
it was my mother’s. Whew!
Surely one so sinful wasn’t being called
to work in the Vineyard.

I thought it was over — but You
returned like the hound of heaven.
You wouldn’t let go. Again
You fired me up to enter the seminary.
I thought surely by then I was too old.
Oh, thank God. Free.

Yet again, even in my fear,
Your guiding hand directed me: Enter.
Imagine, a 43-year-old military veteran, fearful?
I gave up, and said yes. And now
after 40 years as a missionary priest,
I say “thank you” for challenging me.

It’s tough to say “no” when given
the opportunity to share Your love
with my brothers and sisters.

Joseph P. La Mar, M.M.

Magazine Past Issues

About the author

Joseph La Mar, M.M.

El Padre Maryknoll Joseph P. La Mar, quien nació en la ciudad de Nueva York, fue ordenado sacerdote en 1983. Antes de unirse a Maryknoll, sirvió en la Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos. Como misionero, sus asignaciones han incluido Guatemala y Estados Unidos.