Readers’ Responses, Winter 2025

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A friend gifted me your magazine years ago and I continue to receive it. Currently I go to it most mornings to read a page or two as part of my prayer time. It offers much helpful wisdom. The mission and faith of those who serve around the world is an inspiration to me to live my faith.

John Howe
Jefferson, Ohio

A contributor to the Readers’ Responses in the Summer 2024 issue expressed disappointment with the magazine’s previous From the Editor statement on the Israel-Hamas War and humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. The respondent maintained that “Israel is not in a conflict with Palestine” and implied that much of the media’s coverage is based on “false information.” I respectfully disagree.

A permanent solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict lies not in military victory but in mutual accommodation and compromise. Ideally, it should take the form of a two-state solution.

It is high time to rekindle the flame of hope for reconciliation and peace in the Holy Land. Scripture says: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

Nicholas Stigilani
Bellingham, Washington

Catholic Schools Week offered our students at Mary Star of the Sea School in Honolulu an opportunity to think about vocations and appreciate the many choices our religious communities make for us. We wholeheartedly thank you for your religious life. You and your community are wonderful role models for us all.

Stephanie Conching
Honolulu, Hawaii

Below is a sampling of letters from Ms. Conching’s 4th- and 5th-grade students:

Dear Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers:

Thank you for teaching about God and Jesus. Also, for teaching Catholic school kids to believe in God and Jesus so we can go to Heaven.


Thank you for being there for us when we needed you. Thank you for teaching us new things.


I like to go to church because I get to pray with my friends. Sometimes I read my Bible. I hope you have a good time teaching Mass.


Thank you for teaching us all about Jesus, God and his friends. Sometimes I read the Bible before I go to bed.


Featured image: Maryknoll Father John Martin (far right) and Maryknoll mission promoter Ray Almanza (second from left) lead a group from the Catholic Community at Stanford University to the ruins of Chichén Itzá as part of an immersion trip to Yucatán, Mexico. (Courtesy of Ray Almanza/Mexico)

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