Courage to Serve All God’s People
Oh Invigorating and Inspiring God,
My heart is restless seeing so many people suffer around the world.
Yet my heart rejoices in seeing your Church renewed in its mission
To all people, especially those who feel abandoned from your love.
We are thankful for your Son, Jesus Christ, who has shown us
The path to authentic love for all humanity — an exemplary life
Of sacrifice and service for us to follow. As disciples of your Son,
As we grow and discover the realities of your redeeming love,
Help us find the desire to love you more and more. Inspire us to see
In our suffering and abandoned brothers and sisters of the world
Signs of your liberating love.
Therefore, Oh Most Provident God, give us the courage to face
The decision of our path. Give us the courage to unceasingly follow
Our baptismal promise: to follow Jesus and to bring God’s message
Of peace, mercy, and compassion to the ends of the Earth.
One Mission. Shared by all the faithful. Perfect in Love.
—Dae Kim, M.M.
Featured image: Octavio Durán/Guatemala