Having served with Maryknoll in Bolivia, I was delighted with the Fall 2024 issue of Maryknoll magazine. The “attentive presence” of Brother Ryan Thibert and of Filomena Siles and Joseph Loney, a Maryknoll lay mission couple in Cochabamba — all working with marginalized people of the community — put flesh on the words in Isaiah 43:10-13 where God tells the Chosen People they are to be “witnesses.” How we are present to others is evangelizing.
The photo of the Synodal gathering of October 6, 2023, with tables of 12 participants in dialogue — clergy, women religious and laity — is such a wonderful image of “church.” It is the Body of Christ with many different members, each important, forming one living organism.
Be kind and loving, especially to the least of our brothers and sisters. Every person is the divine presence.
Larry Brixius
Poulsbo, Washington
Along the lines of Father Joseph Veneroso’s column in the Winter 2024 issue about his experience in Korea, another Maryknoll priest who spent many years in Korea, Father Edward Whelan, told me that Catholics in Korea say “Kamsahamnida” (“Thank you”) when receiving the Eucharist with both hands open. I understand that now the common response is “Amen” as it is here in the States.
Brian Kenny
Palmyra, Pennsylvania
In response to the Spirit of Mission column of the Winter 2025 issue, I believe many rabbis would say that unless the rabbi’s life were in danger, he should have eaten neither the pork nor the (likely not kosher) chicken.
More generally, if you intend to offer me a gift but it’s not obvious that I intend to accept it, then we ought to discuss the matter, and you ought not to feel offended if I turn it down. After all, why did you make the offer? To help me, or just to make yourself feel better? Going to a lot of trouble to give me a gift that I don’t want is all the more reason for me to head you off; and in any case, I can and should thank you for your good intentions.
Alan Brown
Yonkers, New York
Please allow me a space in your Maryknoll magazine to express my sincere gratitude to the superior general, Father Lance Nadeau, and all the hard-working people behind him.
In the article titled “Carrying the Flag of Mission” in your Fall 2024 issue, I was impressed by this quote from newly ordained Father Charles Ogony: “Father Nadeau preached unity; he brought real life issues and connected them to the Gospel.”
Father Joshua Maondo, who was also recently ordained, said, “I’ve seen Father Nadeau do things I have never seen any other person do. I have seen him wash student toilets. I have seen him polish the church floor. I have seen him stand up for students who were going to be expelled from the university unjustly.”
May you be blessed and continue to do your good work.
Cyril A. Enang
Pine Bluff, Arkansas
As a Jewish individual, I want to express my sincere admiration for your congregation. Your commitment to the prophet Jesus’ teachings and dedication to serving the poor, sick and oppressed is genuinely inspiring. Thank you for making a positive difference in the world.
Freddy de Freitas
Via Instagram
Thank you to the Maryknoll missionaries for the good work you do and for sharing your articles on the Maryknoll magazine website. Also, I want to thank you for the 2025 calendar that you sent in the mail. I was very happy to receive it. The calendar is very useful for older people and for following the liturgical calendar.
Marilen Rodríguez
Northville, Michigan
Thank you for publishing articles on your Maryknoll and Misioneros websites related to the reality of Mexico. Mexican society has more and more violence and less governance at national, state and municipal levels. It is not that other countries are paradises without crime or delinquency, but Mexico abounds with crimes and violence.
Mexico’s new president, Claudia Sheinbaum, should demand that the country’s top military and police commanders stop associating with criminal gangs.
Carlos Chamorro
Kissimmee, Florida
May the Lord Jesus receive in his blessed hands the soul of his servant Father Marcelo Pérez of the Mexican diocese of San Cristobal de las casas. And may God forgive those who murdered him. They took his body from this world, but never his soul. He will live in the hearts of hundreds of people who knew him.
Thank you for sharing the news of his death on your Maryknoll and Misioneros websites.
Leonor Ramos Vázquez
Via Facebook
Editor’s Notes: Father Pérez, an Indigenous Mayan and diocesan priest, was a fearless advocate for human rights who was killed on Oct. 20, 2024, allegedly by drug cartels. The article can be found at the link
The above two letters were received in Spanish and translated by Maryknoll and Misioneros staff.
Featured image: Maryknoll Lay Missioners Joshua Sisolak and Marjorie Humphrey (center) are joined for their sending ceremony by Maryknoll Sister Genie Natividad, Executive Director Elvira Ramirez, Father Juan Zúñiga and Affiliate Robert Short at the Maryknoll Sisters Center in Ossining, New York. (Andrea Moreno-Díaz/U.S.)