July August 2020

To Our Partners in Mission

To Our Partners in Mission

We’re all in this together. How often have we heard these words during this time when the COVID-19 virus has been ravaging our world! Indeed, the crisis reminds us just how interconnected we are here at home and around the world. We Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers are more aware than ever of our connection to you. You have been our partners in mission through good times and bad, supporting our work in so many ways. Now we reach out to you in solidarity at this time of fear, uncertainty and suffering. We know that many of you have lost loved ones to the coronavirus. We understand and share your pain. We too have lost members of our mission society—13 of our elders—as well as relatives and...

Changing Course in a Time of Crisis

Changing Course in a Time of Crisis

When the first coronavirus case was reported in Japan last January—the second country to report a case after it appeared in Wuhan, China—the students at Tenshi College in the city of Sapporo, Hokkaido, had already finished their exams. There were only a few students around the campus where Maryknoll Father Kenneth Sleyman has been teaching for 19 years.

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The Year of Departures

The Year of Departures

No vaccine. No antibiotics for treatment. Worldwide control efforts including isolation, quarantine, good personal hygiene, use of disinfectants and limitations of public gatherings. These words, so resonant today in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, were used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to describe the influenza pandemic that ravaged the world more than a century ago.

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