Using the story of Mother Cabrini, Maryknoll Father Joseph Veneroso reflects on what devotion to the Most Sacred Heart teaches about healing.
Using the story of Mother Cabrini, Maryknoll Father Joseph Veneroso reflects on what devotion to the Most Sacred Heart teaches about healing.
hat image comes to mind when you hear the word “missionary”? A knock at the...
As Christians, we cannot exist in a vacuum, separated physically, emotionally and spiritually from others, but must search out new, creative ways to express our connection to one another. We are the Body of Christ here and now.
St. Joseph emerges in the Gospels as a man beset by problems, uncertainties and dangers, who, like us, had to live by faith.
The miracle of Christmas is God didn’t just take on our human nature but transformed our chronological time into God’s fullness of time.
Last Ash Wednesday we wistfully wondered what we might give up for Lent: Movies? Coffee? Dessert?...
Maryknoll priest reflects on mourning for loved ones who have passed away in this time of...
Just before starting Mass for the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (a.k.a. New Year’s Day), I gave...
Maryknoll priest reflects on humanity's quest for something bigger, more powerful than ourselves...
Priest reflects on how living saints inspire us to be saints and angels for one another || By...
Priest reflects on how God was forming him for a life of missionary discipleship I first...
Priest reflects on Jesus visiting the home of his good friends, Mary and Martha, in Bethany ||...
Priest reflects on how to see the Holy Spirit at work Faced with life-changing decisions,...
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