Hope and opening doors are the dominant themes of our Spring 2025 issue, with various examples of Maryknoll missioners manifesting hope.
Hope and opening doors are the dominant themes of our Spring 2025 issue, with various examples of Maryknoll missioners manifesting hope.
Missioners share vignettes of life drawn from their Maryknoll ministries in Bolivia, Guatemala, Tanzania and Brazil.
Maryknoll Father William Senger builds a parish in Guatemala by constructing chapels and forming lay leaders.
Maryknoll Convent School, a school founded by pioneering Maryknoll Sisters in Hong Kong, celebrates its centenary the Maryknoll way.
Orbis Books Publisher Robert Ellsberg offers a tribute to Father Gustavo Gutiérrez, father of liberation theology.
Maryknoll Lay Missioners Joshua Sisolak and Marjorie Humphrey are commissioned to serve in Bolivia and East Africa.
Maryknoll Brother Joseph Bruener serves at a home for boys at risk of becoming street children in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
This second article of a four-part series presents the 14 Maryknoll bishops who attended the Second Vatican Council.
Jóse López, a Catholic leader who works in the Migrant Ministry for the Diocese of Stockton, California, brings hope to agricultural workers.
Maryknoll Father Joseph Veneroso explores the theme of light in Scripture and in the liturgies of Holy Week, especially the Easter Vigil.
Maryknoll Father Dae Kim offers a heartfelt prayer for vocations, asking God to give missioners the courage to serve all God’s people.
Orbis Books Publisher Robert Ellsberg shares a preview of a book he edited, Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings.
Pope Francis has called on world leaders to consider debt cancellation for poor countries as a way to honor the Jubilee Year.
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