Missioners share snippets of mission life drawn from Bolivia, Taiwan, South Sudan and the U.S.-Mexico border.

Missioners share snippets of mission life drawn from Bolivia, Taiwan, South Sudan and the U.S.-Mexico border.
A new Maryknoll priest, Father Greg McPhee, describes his ministry in Bolivia, where he and a pastoral team are forming a chapel community.
Four Maryknoll sisters set out last year to launch the congregation’s new mission in the Central African country of Chad.
Four seminarians in Maryknoll’s overseas training program face arduous challenges in Bolivia, including TIPNIS, a remote area of the Amazon.
Almost 50 years ago, lay missioner John Gauker died with Maryknoll Father Bill Woods in a suspicious plane crash in Guatemala’s Ixcán jungle.
The winners of the 2023 Maryknoll Student Essay Contest share words of wisdom and hope for the future as they address the essay prompt.
The United Nations in New York City might not seem like mission territory, but for the Maryknoll missioners who serve there, it very much is.
Jesus Christ asks each of his followers, “Who do you say that I am?” writes Maryknoll Father Joseph Veneroso.
Maryknoll Father Joseph La Mar offers a heartfelt prayer, “The Persistent Call,” that reflects his call to the priesthood.
Soul Brothers: Men in the Bible Speak to Men Today, by Richard Rohr, is featured in a preview in Maryknoll magazine Summer 2024.
The new trade deal among 14 countries, currently under negotiation, has the potential of affecting 28% of U.S. global trade.
Doctor Guadalupe Jimenez joins a Maryknoll immersion trip to the U.S.-Mexico border and finds herself inspired to serve migrants.
Maryknoll Father Stephen Judd tells his story through the lens of liberation theology, which shaped his four decades in Latin America.
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