Retired Archbishop Isichenko of Ukraine speaks out on Russian invasion during a visit to the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia.

Retired Archbishop Isichenko of Ukraine speaks out on Russian invasion during a visit to the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia.
Nine months after the Russian invasion began, Pope Francis tells the Ukrainian people, “I carry you in my heart and in my prayers.”
As around 100 captured Ukrainian women return home in a prisoners exchange, Ukraine archbishop decries the abuse they endured.
Pope Francis’ message on the World Day for Migrants and Refugees includes an appeal for peace, especially in Myanmar, Cameroon and Ukraine.
Sent by Pope Francis, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski delivers aid under gunfire and prays at a burial site for people killed in the Russian invasion.
Church and international leaders cite reports of Ukrainians, including children, being subjected to mass deportations.
Ukraine ambassador to the Holy See Andrii Yurash says the Vatican plays a vital role in urging the world to remember his country’s suffering.
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Concerned about Russian blockade of Ukrainian grain, Pope Francis says, “Please do not use food as a weapon of war” at his weekly general audience.
Caritas representatives say the Catholic aid network has assisted more than 1.2 million people affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Pope Francis lamented the "macabre regression of humanity" as some 40,000 people are deported from...
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