In our Winter 2025 issue of Maryknoll we are starting coverage of the Jubilee 2025 year under the theme of “Pilgrims of Hope.”

In our Winter 2025 issue of Maryknoll we are starting coverage of the Jubilee 2025 year under the theme of “Pilgrims of Hope.”
Missioners share vignettes drawn from mission life in Ireland, South Sudan, Bolivia and at the U.S.-Mexico border.
A resourceful Maryknoll priest, Father Paul Sykora, supports an education project for children in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Maryknoll Sister Chiyoung Pak brings joy and hope to a poor area of Zimbabwe through the Norton Center she founded, serving youth and adults.
Maryknoll Father John McAuley’s poignant Christmas reflection offers a fresh perspective on the humanness of the Holy Family.
At Cristo Rey Parish in El Paso, Texas, Maryknoll Father Raymond Finch helps parishioners live their faith while they help migrants.
A Maryknoll lay missioner serves in prison ministry for youth in El Salvador, the country with the world’s highest incarceration rate.
Alice Njoroge of the EDARP HIV/AIDS program in Kenya talks about the work and the role of Maryknoll over three decades.
Participants on a Maryknoll immersion trip to Yucatán, México, learn about care for creation and Maryknoll’s legacy.
Maryknoll Father Joseph Veneroso reflects on gift giving, faith and gratitude in this Spirit of Mission column.
In Taiwan, Maryknoll Father Joyalito Tajonera convened 130 leaders from 17 countries last year for the Conference on Fisher’s Welfare.
Orbis Publisher Robert Ellsberg previews Everyday Sacred, Everywhere Beauty on the contemplative life by the late Benedictine Sister Mary Lou Kownacki.
Maureen Long recalled her parents’ last wish. Francis and Patricia Lafferty wanted their wedding rings to become part of a sacred symbol.
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