I first learned of the concept of accompaniment, of “walking with the people,” from the Maryknoll Sisters. This, I thought, is the ministry to which I am being called here in Nicaragua.

Missioner Tales, Winter 2023
Missioners offer snippets of mission life in Hong Kong, Tanzania and at the U.S./Mexico border in our MIssioner Tales.

Missioner Tales, Fall 2022
Missioners offer snippets of mission life in Tanzania, El Salvador and the Marshall Islands

Missioner Tales Summer 2022
Missioners offer snippets of mission life in South Sudan and Cambodia and at the U.S./Mexico border, as well as a mission moment in New York.

Missioner Tales, Spring 2022
Missioners offer snippets of mission life in Kenya and El Salvador and at the U.S./Mexico border.

Missioner Tales, Winter 2022
Missioners offer snippets of mission life in Peru, Tanzania and Guatemala as well as a mission moment at a parish in New York.

Missioner Tales, Fall 2021
Missioners offer snippets of mission life in Brazil, Bangladesh, South Sudan and Nicaragua as well as at the Maryknoll Sisters center in New York.

Missioner Tales, Summer 2021
St. Justin Centre for Children with Disabilities is a place here in Musoma, Tanzania, where you see kids struggling to walk, to communicate, or to do a simple drawing, but they welcome you with great love. Eighty kids live here with the loving support of the Immaculate Heart Sisters of Africa. I recently asked the sisters to give me a list of the...

Missioner Tales, Spring 2021
Missioner Tales in the Spring 2021 issue of Maryknoll magazine give snippets of mission life in Tanzania, South Sudan, Guatemala and Thailand.

Missioner Tales, Winter 2021
I first met Jose when he participated in my first Theater of the Oppressed group in a parish on the periphery of João Pessoa, Brazil, where I serve as a Maryknoll lay missioner. Jose (not his real name) was probably 20 years old and very active in the parish. He had to stop coming to our group when the young woman he was dating became pregnant....