A pilgrim arrives at the Corn Festival of Dulce Nombre de María parish in Chalatenango, El Salvador, where several Maryknollers served. (Octavio Durán/El Salvador)

Maryknoll Magazine Spring 2025

In our Spring 2025 issue, we visit the jungles of Guatemala, where Maryknoll priests have built a dozen chapels, and Hong Kong, where a school founded by the Maryknoll Sisters celebrates its centenary. Of note, too, in this issue is our tribute to the late Father Gustavo Gutiérrez, an Orbis Books author who is considered the father of liberation theology.

This Lenten season, join us in prayer with Maryknoll missioners who live and work in a spirit of hope.


Focused on Maryknoll missioners around the world working in solidarity among the poor and marginalized. Articles include issues of importance to people the missioners serve and to the Catholic Church.

Reflecting on a Tragic Salvadoran Anniversary

Reflecting on a Tragic Salvadoran Anniversary

A former Maryknoll priest associate recalls the night they killed the Jesuits. William Schmidt, a former Maryknoll priest associate, served as a pastor in the Zacamil neighborhood of San Salvador, El Salvador, at the height of the country’s civil war. He recalls those harrowing days when many of...

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‘Go Digital or Die’

‘Go Digital or Die’

A Maryknoll priest helps Small Christian Communities in Kenya get online during pandemic crisis. When the Kenyan government ordered the country into lockdown to curtail the spread of the coronavirus earlier this year, Maryknoll Father Joseph Healey remembered a quote from the movie The Sound of...

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Honoring George Floyd on 38th & Chicago

Honoring George Floyd on 38th & Chicago

On the site of the killing of African-American George Floyd, a white, suburban Minneapolis man vows to combat racism.   Late in April 1992, as I made my way home after dark in a West Philadelphia neighborhood, I was set upon by a small group of youths carrying bats and boards. Hours earlier,...

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A Heart for Mission

A Heart for Mission

Priest from Malone, N.Y., lives out his call to missionas a Maryknoll priest associate in Bolivia.When Ronald Albarez began his internship in psychology last year, he dealt with cases of domestic violence, sexual abuse and suicide attempts. Feeling discouraged about how much violence and cruelty...

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A Voice for Nuclear Victims

A Voice for Nuclear Victims

Maryknoll sister advocates for victims of Japan’s triple disaster caused by an earthquake, a tsunami and a nuclear accident. After Japan lifted its state of emergency, due to the coronavirus, on May 31, Maryknoll Sister Kathleen Reiley expressed relief that COVID-19 was settling down in the...

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At God’s Service

At God’s Service

A Maryknoll brother teaches that love and dignity come from God.During his years of teaching English in northern China, Maryknoll Brother Joseph Bruener has found a unique way to share God’s love with his university students.  He gives them a class exercise to write an affirmation about each of...

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Latest news from mission sites and countries around the world.

Six Nuns Kidnapped in Haiti Are Freed

Six Nuns Kidnapped in Haiti Are Freed

After urgent calls from religious leaders including Pope Francis and the president of the Latin America and Caribbean bishops’ conference, six Sisters of St. Anne have been freed.



Partners in Mission


Vignettes from the lands of mission, told by Maryknoll missioners and volunteers. These popular little stories are sometimes funny, often moving and generally inspiring encounters with people on the margins.

Missioner Tales, Winter 2021

Missioner Tales, Winter 2021

I first met Jose when he participated in my first Theater of the Oppressed group in a parish on the periphery of João Pessoa, Brazil, where I serve as a Maryknoll lay missioner. Jose (not his real name) was probably 20 years old and very active in the parish. He had...

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World Watch

Readers’ Responses


Centerspread: Gregg Brekke/Kenya