A new Maryknoll priest, Father Greg McPhee, describes his ministry in Bolivia, where he and a pastoral team are forming a chapel community.

In our Spring 2025 issue, we visit the jungles of Guatemala, where Maryknoll priests have built a dozen chapels, and Hong Kong, where a school founded by the Maryknoll Sisters celebrates its centenary. Of note, too, in this issue is our tribute to the late Father Gustavo Gutiérrez, an Orbis Books author who is considered the father of liberation theology.
This Lenten season, join us in prayer with Maryknoll missioners who live and work in a spirit of hope.
Focused on Maryknoll missioners around the world working in solidarity among the poor and marginalized. Articles include issues of importance to people the missioners serve and to the Catholic Church.
A new Maryknoll priest, Father Greg McPhee, describes his ministry in Bolivia, where he and a pastoral team are forming a chapel community.
Four Maryknoll sisters set out last year to launch the congregation’s new mission in the Central African country of Chad.
Four seminarians in Maryknoll’s overseas training program face arduous challenges in Bolivia, including TIPNIS, a remote area of the Amazon.
Almost 50 years ago, lay missioner John Gauker died with Maryknoll Father Bill Woods in a suspicious plane crash in Guatemala’s Ixcán jungle.
The winners of the 2023 Maryknoll Student Essay Contest share words of wisdom and hope for the future as they address the essay prompt.
The United Nations in New York City might not seem like mission territory, but for the Maryknoll missioners who serve there, it very much is.
Maryknoll Father Stephen Judd tells his story through the lens of liberation theology, which shaped his four decades in Latin America.
A Maryknoll seminarian reflects on his mission service at Santísima Trinidad in a remote area of the Amazon where Maryknoll serves.
With hearts on fire and packed bags, three Maryknoll seminarians prepare for their ordination to priesthood on June 8, 2024.
Latest news from mission sites and countries around the world.
About a dozen Jesuits on a search and rescue mission in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert before Christmas find remains of missing migrants.
A Maryknoll Sister reflects on the Holy Family as a model of good familial relationships between parents and their children.
The year 2024 was deadly for Africa’s Christian populations, with hundreds of thousands of people persecuted or killed for their faith.
In 2024 Nicaragua’s Ortega regime continues persecuting Catholic leaders and censoring expressions of Christian faith.
A Maryknoll affiliate who has offered hospitality to migrants for 45 years reflects on the Mass readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent.
Wisconsin’s high court ruled that Catholic Charities is ineligible for tax exemption because service to the poor is not “typical” religious activity.
“What can we do?” asks Maryknoll Lay Missioner Sarah Bueter, reflecting on Advent, hope and the killing of an environmental activist.
The Church leaders call for peace on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Christmas as a step toward ending the violence that engulfs Mexico.
The Senate Judiciary Committee hears testimonies about possible mass deportation, with some witnesses saying it would crash the economy.
Catholic bishops in Latin America launch a campaign to support human rights activists who face threats for their work for social justice.
As former Syrian President Bashar Assad is ousted by rebels, Cardinal Mario Zenari says it’s time to “move toward reconciliation.”
Migrants’ stories are like the prophet Isaiah’s voice in the desert, reflects Maryknoll Sister Leila Mattingly, who has served at the border.
Millions of pilgrims are expected to journey to Rome for the Jubilee, with millions more participating in their home countries.
The director of Caritas Georgia sheds light on riots that have erupted after the ruling party suspended European Union membership talks.
Jesus Christ asks each of his followers, “Who do you say that I am?” writes Maryknoll Father Joseph Veneroso.
Doctor Guadalupe Jimenez joins a Maryknoll immersion trip to the U.S.-Mexico border and finds herself inspired to serve migrants.
Vignettes from the lands of mission, told by Maryknoll missioners and volunteers. These popular little stories are sometimes funny, often moving and generally inspiring encounters with people on the margins.
Missioners share snippets of mission life drawn from Bolivia, Taiwan, South Sudan and the U.S.-Mexico border.
The new trade deal among 14 countries, currently under negotiation, has the potential of affecting 28% of U.S. global trade.
A NEW HEROI am hitting 80 and have been reading Maryknoll magazine since I was a small child. It was always my real-life adventure story with the heroes in black, white, and grey habits all around...