To Our Partners in Mission
We’re all in this together. How often have we heard these words during this time when the COVID-19 virus has been ravaging our world! Indeed, the crisis reminds us just how interconnected we are here at home and around the world. We Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers are more aware than ever of our connection to you. You have been our partners in mission through good...

Mission Voices Amid COVID-19
Maryknoll missioners in various parts of the world share how they and the people they serve are responding to COVID-19

Going Where You Are Needed
We are Maryknoll seminarians doing our overseas training program in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Our missionary training went into high gear in March as Bolivia confirmed more and more cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus and international volunteers were called by their organizations to leave the country.

Ahead of Coronavirus, Starvation Stalks East Africa
For many countries in Africa, the steps to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic are exacerbating already dire circumstances, and warnings are mounting of a double tragedy: disease and starvation.

New Life in the Golden Years
Maryknoll sister’s ministry provides compassionate accompaniment to elderly residents in PanamaThe New Life Foundation in Panama is living up to its name even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. As this virus swept around the world, Maryknoll Sister Geraldine Brake and her team adapted to ensure their elderly residents continue having quality of life. “We are a...

Changing Course in a Time of Crisis
When the first coronavirus case was reported in Japan last January—the second country to report a case after it appeared in Wuhan, China—the students at Tenshi College in the city of Sapporo, Hokkaido, had already finished their exams. There were only a few students around the campus where Maryknoll Father Kenneth Sleyman has been teaching for 19 years.

Detained Migrants Face COVID-19 Risk
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Heidi Cerneka is sounding the alarm about the life-threatening consequences of immigration policies at the U.S.-Mexico border during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Year of Departures
No vaccine. No antibiotics for treatment. Worldwide control efforts including isolation, quarantine, good personal hygiene, use of disinfectants and limitations of public gatherings. These words, so resonant today in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, were used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to describe the influenza pandemic that ravaged the world more than a century ago.

Maryknoll Mission Promoters are Forming Communities of Faith
Maryknoll mission promoters accompany missionary disciples during pandemic, offering webinar series during Lent, Holy Week and the Easter season.

Hospital worker on the frontline with Jesus
Faith helps a nurse in a New York hospital care for COVID-19 patients and encourage her co-workers in the struggle I have been working at North Central Bronx Hospital in New York for 27 years as a registered nurse. Right now, our hospital is a war zone as we battle COVID-19. All elective surgeries were canceled. Several units, including mine, were converted into...