Advocates Say Brazil Not Protecting Indigenous During Pandemic
WEB-ONLY: Invasions of indigenous lands continue despite COVID-19 SAO PAULO (CNS) -- Church-backed agencies are accusing the Brazilian government of doing very little to protect the country's indigenous population from being contaminated by COVID-19 and say new government measures could increase the number of farmers and loggers invading indigenous territory. The...

A Man on a Cross
Maryknoll sister shares love and compassion at a children’s ward in a cancer hospital Every time she visits the children’s ward at the National Cancer Center Hospital in Tokyo, Japan, Maryknoll Sister Kathleen Reiley comes away renewed. “These children are my teachers,” says the missioner, with the same passion and love she felt when she started her ministry...

The wisdom of women
Just before starting Mass for the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (a.k.a. New Year’s Day), I gave the altar server in charge of incense a quick refresher course on how to swing the thurible correctly to produce the desired number of “clicks”: three times for the Blessed Sacrament; two for the Book of the Gospels, Pascal candle and clergy and one for the...

Maryknoll’s Orbis Books marks a half century of publishing a world of books that matter Fifty years ago this month, in 1970, the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers launched a new publishing house, Orbis Books. The brainchild of Father Miguel d’Escoto, then-director of the Maryknoll Office of Social Communications, Orbis was originally established to amplify...

Some Orbis Must-Haves
Here are some Orbis must-haves at discounted prices to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Orbis Books.Use code M0520 when you call toll-free: 1.800.258.5838 or when you order online at OrbisBooks.com. Readers have until July 1 to order (includes free shipping). 1972 Letters from the Desert | Carlo Carretto After a career as a prominent Catholic activist, Carlo...

Querida Amazonia: Call for a Missionary Church
In his new exhortation, Querida Amazonia, Pope Francis describes his "great dreams" for the Amazon region In February, Pope Francis released Querida Amazonia, or “Beloved Amazonia,” his exhortation in response to the Synod on the Amazon, in which he called for a renewed “missionary Church” to journey alongside the people of the Amazon region. The Synod on...

Essay Contest Sidebar: The Power of Youth
“Have the essays arrived yet?” That is the question that resounds throughout the Maryknoll Sisters center as sisters anxiously await delivery of the mounds of essays submitted by students from across the country to the Maryknoll Student Essay Contest. “I really enjoy what the kids have to say,” comment the sisters who judge the entries. The essay contest was...

Gregory McPhee: Advocating in the Spirit
Gregory McPhee gives up a career as a lawyer to become a Maryknoll priest As a criminal defense lawyer in Syracuse, N.Y., Gregory McPhee enjoyed his job. “I liked going to court, litigating, arguing and thinking on my feet,” he says. But as he worked hard to balance the scales of justice on the side of the accused, he knew deep down that something was...

Father Cappel: Saint on a bicycle
The people in rural Chile ask that Maryknoll Father Joseph Cappel be canonized The main square of the Curepto municipality, a rural town of about 10,000 people some 190 miles south of Santiago, Chile, has a monument of Maryknoll Father Joseph Cappel riding a bicycle. It was installed in August 2014, the same year that the people of Curepto signed a letter...

God’s grace in Taiwan
Father Murray, a veteran missioner, reflects on a life of service Maryknoll Father Eugene Murray sums up the essence of his 62 years of missionary priesthood in two simple phrases: being kind to people and relying on God’s grace. “I enjoy my mission life. I love the sacramental part of saying Mass, giving Communion, helping the people in their relationship with...