From the Editor: Fratelli Tutti
In the centerspread of this issue of Maryknoll we quote Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship, which was released shortly before we wrapped up this edition and sent it to the printer. The encyclical is an important document that focuses on the central theme of this pontiff’s papacy: We are all brothers and sisters of...

Missioner Tales, Winter 2021
I first met Jose when he participated in my first Theater of the Oppressed group in a parish on the periphery of João Pessoa, Brazil, where I serve as a Maryknoll lay missioner. Jose (not his real name) was probably 20 years old and very active in the parish. He had to stop coming to our group when the young woman he was dating became pregnant. Now his priority was...

New Maryknoll Priest Is Ordained Despite COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic could postpone but not stop the vocational call to the priesthood for the newest member of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, Father Gregory McPhee.

Finding True Christmas—and a Vocation
Maryknoll Brother Martin Shea documents with photos and poetry the flight and return of Guatemalan refugees and in the process he finds true Christmas.

Displaced by war in South Sudan
Maryknoll Father Michael Bassano describes what life is like for internally displaced persons in a U.N. camp in South Sudan.

‘Our people have already canonized them’
Forty years after the brutal killings of four U.S. churchwomen, a city in El Salvador claims Maryknoll sisters as its own martyrs.

Agustin de la Rosa Reyes: A Listener and Healer
Agustin de la Rosa Reyes earns his living as a handyman. But by vocation, he is a listener and healer in the La Esperanza community in El Salvador.

In Memoriam 2020
Please pray for our Maryknoll missioners who died during the past year.Father John F. AhearnSister Cheryl AllamFather Robert F. AstorinoBrother Luke R. BaldwinSister Lorraine BeinkafnerSister Joan BerningerSister Camille Marie BlackFather J. Ernest BrunelleSister Frances CalcaterraSister Anne CallahanFather John J. CaseySister Joan CrevcoureFather Donald J....

Beating the Odds with an Immigration Case
A lay missioner’s legal advocacy—with the prayers and support of many—changes Elizabeth’s life forever.

Two Days/One Suitcase for Japanese-Americans
At 87 years old, Helen Hannan Parra is on a mission: to tell everyone she can about the unjust imprisonment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.