Photo Meditations

Photo Meditations

Pray and reflect with Father Joseph Veneroso’s poems and prayers, and inspiring photos from around the world.

Open Wide  the Doors

Open Wide the Doors

Open wide the doors of grace Let every saint and sinner in. Welcome every tribe and race To help each person seek the face Of God who ever dwells therein. Open wide the doors of faith To all who wander in the dark Where guided by a heavenly spark They may find courage...

Pilgrimage of Hope

Pilgrimage of Hope

On a city street of asphalt and concrete where last winter’s ice cracks a stubborn sidewalk, a defiant dandelion takes root and proudly Puts forth its floral sunburst. A young couple prays test results will confirm If this time the Lord will at last bless them with...

Longing to Belong

Longing to Belong

Far, far worse than wandering alone abroad A stranger in an alien nation Is returning to a place you once called home Recognizing words but no longer their meaning Seeing unfamiliar faces on friends and family Then realizing, to your shock, it was not they But you who...

God of Holy Liberation

God of Holy Liberation

You, who delivered us when we were still enslaved By sin and selfishness, do not abandon us Now in our time of despair nor turn your face From our pitiful plight when all else fails And faithless friends flee, But come to us again in our hour of need. Not from among...

Laudate Deum

Laudate Deum

Let all that was and is and will ever be Praise God from whom all creation erupts Like a million billion galaxies and hummingbirds Like swans, planets, centipedes and stars Things visible and invisible like Jellyfish, quasars, magnetic fields and gravity Microbes,...

Light in the Darkest Hour

Light in the Darkest Hour

On the darkest hour of the darkest day When lust for power corrupted the best And people willingly traded their souls For the right to rule and ride roughshod Over the foreigner, the poor, the Other, It is then, always then, that holy Wisdom Explodes silently upon an...

In the Spirit of St. Francis

In the Spirit of St. Francis

Lord, make me a witness to your truth. Turn my eyes from evil. Close my ears to falsehood. Shield my mind from the temptation To judge others who sin differently than I. Seal my lips from adding to the noise Of a world that worships power, Rewards greed and sacrifices...

On The Bumpy Road to Emmaus

On The Bumpy Road to Emmaus

With broken hearts, dashed hopes and bowed heads Defeated and deflated we make our mournful way Far from the pain of shattered dreams that is Jerusalem Toward some supposed safety known as Emmaus. Ever lengthening shadows and fast descending darkness Magnify the...

Thus Says the Lord

Thus Says the Lord

Consider Isaiah’s vision of virgin birth And God’s suffering servant singing centuries Before the cross ever took shape. Thus he revealed Suffering’s power to redeem, liberate and transform The nations into a new Chosen People, compelled To climb, conquer and...

Word Made Flesh

Winter 2023

Mission Mysteries of the Rosary

Fall 2022

Sacred & Wounded

Summer 2022

The Mission of the Magdalene

Spring 2022

Behold, I make all things new

Winter 2022

Community of Sinners, Community of Saints

Fall 2021

Breaking of the Bread

Summer 2021

From Ashes to Easter

Spring 2021

Joseph, the Carpenter

Winter 2021

The First Sacrament

September / October 2020

Our Better Angels

July / August 2020

Love’s Visitation

May / June 2020

A Sacrifice of Praise

March / April 2020

Finding Lost Hope
in the Temple

January / February 2020

Previous Years

Great Cloud of Witnesses, November/December 2019

The Way of Discipleship, September/October 2019

Serving vs. Sitting, July/August 2019

Going Forth, May/June 2019

Easter Peace Meal, March/April 2019

Wake Up, Jesus!, January/February 2019

Consolation of Simeon and Anna, November/December 2018

Mother of Sorrows, September/October 2018

Divine Instrument, By Joe Veneroso, Maryknoll Magazine

Divine Instrument, July/August 2018

We May Never Know, May/June 2018

Maryknoll Photo Meditation, March / April 208

Day of Emptiness, March/April 2018

Divine Instrument, By Joe Veneroso, Maryknoll Magazine

Who Are Those People, November/December 2017

Angels Unawares, September/October 2017

Maryknoll Photo Meditation, March / April 208

Transfiguration Today, July/August 2017

Divine Instrument, By Joe Veneroso, Maryknoll Magazine

Chosen to Go, May/June 2017

Beyond Mercy, March/April 2017

Maryknoll Photo Meditation, March / April 208

The Disturbing Peace of Christ, January/February 2017

Divine Instrument, By Joe Veneroso, Maryknoll Magazine

How Long O Lord, November/December 2016

Merciful Mysteries of the Rosary By Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.

Merciful Mystery, September/October 2016

Maryknoll Photo Meditation, March / April 208

Ways of Mercy, July/August 2016

Divine Instrument, By Joe Veneroso, Maryknoll Magazine

Mother of Mercy, May/June 2016