(click on image to enlarge)
Great Cloud of Witnesses
By Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Photo meditation on All Saints & All Souls
Greet the unexpected visitor
As you would an invited guest or
The return of a long-lost friend
For in so doing, the Bible tells us
We entertain angels unawares.
We do not run the race alone
Nor go into exile by ourselves
For we journey along the Way
Made smooth by those who’ve gone before.
And though invisible to the eye
They are with us still, forebears in faith,
Whose example, wisdom and yes, prayers
Inspire, encourage and guide us
Through the valleys and mountains of life.
And in the silence of the night
Listen for the soft whisper of
Ancestors, relatives and friends
Who, though gone, from the sidelines
Still cheer us on and
Whose love and countless kindnesses
Brought us to this very day.
Alone no longer (as if we ever were)
We are part of a vast, unending
Procession of love and life
Past, present and to come
Where memory and meaning mingle
To create an eternal, dynamic
Community of souls and
Communion of saints.