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Mother of Mercy
By Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Photos by Sean Sprague
O come, you who tremble
With uncertainty, doubt or fear
Come to her whose unwavering “Yes”
To Gabriel’s unsettling message
Caused her to conceive
Our most merciful Savior and
Give birth to hope.
Come, you who are paralyzed
By your past or overcome
By present shame or guilt
Be healed by her merciful gaze
Who looked upon the suffering
Of her Son and now willingly
Includes you in his sacrifice
Because you are worth it.
Come, all who labor and are heavy
Laden and find life burdensome
Let her dry your tears and
Learn from her to place your trust
In him who gave his life for you.
Come to Mary, mother of mercy
And let her show you the Way.