Open Wide the Doors

By Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.

Open wide the doors of grace
Let every saint and sinner in.
Welcome every tribe and race
To help each person seek the face
Of God who ever dwells therein.

Open wide the doors of faith
To all who wander in the dark
Where guided by a heavenly spark
They may find courage for the fight
That conquers even death’s dread night.

Open wide the doors of peace
Where violence and war prevail
Though mercy and forgiveness fail
May all thoughts of vengeance cease
God’s reign on earth at last to hail.
Open wide the doors of truth
Free all those bound by clever lies:
The aged, the grown, the child, the youth
And may true freedom be the prize
Full human life to realize.

Open wide the doors of hope,
Come all burdened with despair.
Fear not to light a candle where
Darkness deepens all the more
Walk bravely through the open door!

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