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Consolation of Simeon and Anna
by Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Weary of life and hope fading
Simeon raises his eyes from prayer and sees
with sight clearer than crystal
this young couple with a newborn son,
whose cooing illumines Simeon’s soul.
Taking the child in his trembling arms
And lifting his gaze heavenward
he half whispers, half sighs
“Now, Master, you can let
your servant depart in peace …”
Widow Anna, too, feels drawn
at that very hour to the Temple
where in prayer and fasting
she spent her long, lonely life
waiting for she knew not what.
Seeing through tears, she knows
here at last is her heart’s desire,
the answer to all souls’ deepest longing.
Compelled ever outward
by wisdom too wonderful
for one widowed woman to bear
she announces news too great
for one world to contain.