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We may never know

Photo reflection on mothers and fathers
By Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Photos by Sean Sprague

We may never know
How much they sacrificed
To put a roof over our heads
Food on the table
Clothes on our backs and
Books in our hands.

We may never know
How many hours they sat
By our beds waiting for
Our fever to break
Or on the couch for
The phone to ring
Or at the door for
Our letter to arrive
Saying, “We miss you,
Mom and Dad!”

We may never know

Their thoughts as we left home
Their prayers for our safe return
Their tears at the thought
The time would one day come
For one never ending goodbye.

Were their hopes and dreams fulfilled?
Their prayers for us all answered?
Their disappointments too few to recall
Their faith in us unshaken?
We may never know.


